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Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Respect my authoritah!

John Ratzenberger at the Brown rally earlier this week. Enjoy! (from the corner)

This isn't the Democratic party of our fathers and grandfathers. This is the party of Woodstock hippies.  I was at Woodstock — I built the stage. And when everything fell apart, and people were fighting for peanut-butter sandwiches, it was the National Guard who came in and saved the same people who were protesting them. So when Hillary Clinton a few years ago wanted to build a Woodstock memorial, I said it should be a statue of a National Guardsman feeding a crying hippie.

I’d love to add something witty to that but I’m not sure if I can top “National Guardsmen feeding a crying hippie.” except to plagiarize Weasel Zipper’s

And we are the party of hippy punchers....

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